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Are you frustrated by your lack of fitness after your holiday?

Had a nice holiday? Relaxed and rested? Yes that’s me too, tanned and refreshed and ready for the run up to Christmas now. Head down and push on with my training, fingers crossed now there won’t be an enforced breaks.

So how’s the training going first week back? You may be feeling refreshed but is your body feeling too laid back? Mine is! I was pretty active on holiday, didn’t do too much planned exercise, lots of walking, climbing over rocks and generally not sitting still - what a great description of a holiday with children!

Got back after a long day of travelling and thought I would get some good sleep before starting my training the next day. During my holiday my sleep was fantastic, over 8 hrs a day, lots of deep sleep and woke up most days feeling refreshed. Good sleep benefits you in so many ways, we don’t generally get enough, maxing out Netflix most nights. Sleep is as important as both diet and exercise but we do tend to neglect it. I feel that’s another blog to be covered next week another time though:).

First session back was tough, it wasn’t meant to be but it was! It was a heart rate led one and these sessions are the ones that can show you how much you have lost in that week. Out of breath quicker, sweating more, legs heavy and head saying wowzers has it really been THAT long!

The positive to the above is that with consistent training and a level head your fitness will be return soon. Keep on plugging away, let your heart rate misbehave for a short while, keep at it and enjoy the movement. Deload that barbell until your muscles tell you they’re back. Keep listening to your body, get the good recovery sleep, it may not be as good as holiday but that’s because it was a Holiday!

Remember going back to normality brings other outside stressors that weren’t there on holiday. Let your body settle into its training pattern and you will be back to where your fitness was in no time. Be sensible, be mindful and most importantly BE PATIENT!



Bodicote, Banbury,

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